Create Story dialog box

Use the Create Story dialog box to build a story for a storytelling button.

The story is initiated with a storytelling button on the Interface layer of your model.

To open this dialog box select the Storytelling option in the Button dialog box, and then click the Create Story or Edit Story button.

Story Sequence

Displays a list of all items that will be displayed in the story, in the order in which they will be revealed.

Build Story button

Click this button to go to the Story Building tab in the model diagram, where you will select the model elements to include in the story.

Group / Ungroup buttons

Use these buttons to group and ungroup elements in the story. Elements that are grouped together appear at the same time in the story sequence.

Grouped items appear in color in the "Story Sequence" list. Ungrouped items appear in black.

Delete Selection button

Click this button to remove the selected item in the "Story Sequence" list from the story sequence.

Move Up / Move Down buttons

Use these buttons to reorganize the story sequence by moving the selected items up or down (earlier or later) in the story sequence.

Note: You can move groups, but you cannot move individual items that are in a group. To move an item within a group, first ungroup the group, then move the item.

Insert Annotation button

Click this button to add text, a graphic, a sound, or a movie to your story sequence.

When you click this button, an item named "Annotation" is inserted below the currently selected item in the list. If no item is selected, the annotation is added as the last item in the "Story Sequence" list.

Use the Move Up and Move Down buttons to move it to the correct position in the sequence.

After you add the annotation item, select the annotation's type (see below).

Annotation Type

To specify the type for any annotation in the "Story Sequence" list, select the annotation and then select the option you want. The default annotation type is Text.

Insert Highlight Break button

Click this button to insert a highlight break into the story sequence.

When you insert a highlight break with the Highlight button, items that have already been revealed in the story and are marked for highlight will be highlighted to emphasize or show a relationship between the items.

Highlight / Unhighlight button

Click this button to highlight the selected item during the story.


Use the Chapter options to create multiple chapters in your story. This provides an additional degree of control over the sequencing of the story.

* -> + button

Click this button to define an algebraic relationship within a converter or flow in the story. Use this button when a story simulates partial model structures.

This button is available only when a converter or flow is selected in the "Story Sequence" list.